Terry’s Commonwealth connections go back to 1980 when, with a freshly minted postgraduate diploma in librarianship and a first degree in history, she took a job with the Royal Commonwealth Society Library.
She thought it would be an interesting job for a year and then she would move on to something with better remuneration. That decision shaped her career and she has been involved with all things Commonwealth ever since.
She worked with the RCS library collections first in RCS headquarters in Northumberland Avenue, through the upheavals of the early 1990s and the move to Cambridge University Library, and then for seven years on the staff of CUL.
Since 2000 she has worked as an independent scholar, bibliographer, editor and reviewer (her book reviewing ‘empire’ extends over several journals). She has published articles on missionary periodicals, the East African Revival, the British Colonial Service and the Victorian novelist, Charlotte Mary Yonge. From 1998 to 2015 she compiled the annual Africa Bibliography published in print and online by Cambridge University Press for the International African Institute. She currently edits Africa Bibliography, Research and Documentation (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/africa-bibliography-research-and-documentation). She is a Research Associate of the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide and a Licensed Lay Minister in the Diocese of Ely.
She joined The Round Table in 2000, as Book Reviews Editor and was Assistant Editor 2009 -2024 taking editorial responsibility for several special issues, most recently that on Religion and Commonwealth Values (The Round Table 112, 5, 2023).