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Eye on the Commonwealth

Guyana: The Oil Dorado of the Commonwealth

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Commonwealth Global Challenges

'Global Challenges and the International Response: What role for the Commonwealth?'

A Round Table conference: videos and reports

The Round Table journal

Informed scholarship and opinion on international relations with a Commonwealth focus serving the worlds of government, business, finance and academe

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Commonwealth Bookshelf 2023

Books on Commonwealth countries and issues

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Climate Change – Challenges, Issues and Commonwealth Responses

Special edition on climate change

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Is the Commonwealth working?

The Round Table and Commonwealth partners hosted a pre-CHOGM conference

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Issue 3, Volume 113, Year 2024June 2024

The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs is published six times a year.
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Special Issues

Contributions on these themes, to the Editor are particularly welcome.
Issue 1, Volume 113, Year 2024Caricom @ 50

Caricom @ 50

Issue 5, Volume 113, Year 2023Religion and Commonwealth values

Religion and Commonwealth values

Issue 3, Volume 112, Year 2023Malaysia: The 15th general election and its implications

Malaysia: The 15th general election and its implications

From the Archive

Issue 253, Volume 64, Year 1974The Israeli dimension; facing the facts’ by S.C. Leslie

In this piece written fifty years, the Australian-born civil servant S.C. Leslie focused on the historical background to how Israelis had, in his view inevitably, built up a bunker mentality in the face of a litany of dusty answers, four wars, and constant pressure by the UN, the UK, France, and the US, ‘who induced their 1956 withdrawal from Sinai under promise of future safeguards which proved inoperative’. The author quotes Mrs Meir in a speech in London: ‘it is hard to be small and alone’. ['From the Archives' curated by Alex May and Paul Flather]

Issue 215, Volume 54, Year 1964‘Is the Commonwealth a farce? An answer to “a Conservative”’

Sixty years ago the Conservative MP Enoch Powell (four years later to become infamous for his ‘rivers of blood’ speech on immigration) penned an article in The Times which described the Commonwealth as a ‘farce’: a mere relic of the empire, of no use to the UK, and potentially a drag on it. In this robust response, Timothy Raison (later himself a Conservative MP) set out the case for the Commonwealth.

Issue 383, Volume 94, Year 2005‘Blair’s Britain and the Commonwealth’ by Paul D. Williams

Labour came to power under Tony Blair in 1997, promising to re-set Britain’s relationship with the rest of the Commonwealth after the difficult years under Margaret Thatcher and John Major. In this article from 2005, Paul D. Williams suggests that the fanfare and solemn declarations failed to translate into concrete actions, and that the official Commonwealth remains ‘an institution relegated to the back burner’.

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