Stuart Mole

Stuart Mole, Round Table Chairman


Stuart Mole completed a PhD at the University of Exeter in 2020 and is currently writing a book, covering his doctoral research, on the Commonwealth, Apartheid and South Africa.

Originally a college lecturer, Stuart went on to work in the UK parliament, first as a press officer and then as head of the office of David (now Lord) Steel, during his time as Leader of the Liberal Party. He has been a charity director, a parliamentary lobbyist and a speechwriter.

For sixteen years he was a Commonwealth diplomat, working in the Commonwealth Secretariat. He served in the private office of three Commonwealth Secretaries-General, latterly as Director for ten years. He then became the Director-General of the Royal Commonwealth Society for nine years, retiring in January 2009. Since 1985, he has served on a range of Commonwealth Observer and other diplomatic missions, including in South Africa, Pakistan, Antigua & Barbuda, Sri Lanka, Nigeria and The Gambia.

A past Chair of the Editorial Board of The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Stuart is currently the Chair of the Commonwealth Association.

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