As Birmingham prepares to host the 2022 Commonwealth Games, where does the Commonwealth stand regarding the current debate on decolonisation and race? In the second of the series, the webinar will debate racism in post-war Britain and the impact of a new, multiracial Commonwealth increasingly engaged with racial justice in Southern Africa.
This series is being organised by The Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs and the International Development Department, University of Birmingham, supported by the Association of Commonwealth Universities and Democracy in Africa. For more details, contact
Alex May on [email protected].
26 October: ‘Black Lives and the “New” Commonwealth in Post-War Britain: Decolonisation, Race and Justice’
Panellists: Baroness Usha Prashar, Sunder Katwala (Director of British Future) and communications consultant, Mischa Manderson Mills.
The event is chaired by communications specialist Joel Kibazo. This discussion has been organised by The Round Table, the International Development Department of the University of Birmingham, the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Democracy in Africa and the College of Social Sciences at the University of Birmingham.
Registration is at https://bham-ac-uk.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_9wzQKnQ6TeyMuw_3EU1HUQ
This is the second part of a series. Click here to catch up with part one.