The Editor of the Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs, Dr Venkat Iyer, was delighted to announce that the Peter Lyon Prize for the best policy-oriented article appearing in the journal in 2016 has been awarded to Professor Ian Hall.
Ian Hall is the acting Director of the Griffith Asia Institute and a Professor in the School of Government and International Relations at Griffith University. He has published widely on the history of international thought and on Indian foreign policy, and taught at various institutions in both Australia and the UK. Among his recent publications is an edited book on The Engagement of India: Strategies and Responses (2014). He is currently working on a project analysing India’s relationship with the liberal international order.
The Peter Lyon prize by Routledge, the publishers of The Round Table, is for the best policy-oriented article on a theme of significance for the contemporary Commonwealth published in the journal each calendar year. The prize, which carries a value of £1000 Sterling, is awarded each year to the author of the best policy-relevant article published in the previous year. It is awarded at the discretion of the editor, with advice both from the publishers and from the journal’s editorial and international advisory boards.
Interested? Here’s more information about the Peter Lyon Prize.